Not long ago, someone stumbled upon this page where I had a few raw, unfinished stories. At first, I was embarrassed at the thought of anyone seeing them like that, but when the link was shared and the feedback started coming in, I was blown away. The encouragement pushed me to finish what I'd started. The 12 stories were published on Oct. 8, 2024.

"I believe in raising back up after whatever life throws my way, but most things raise up like an acorn, slowly pushing through the soil to become a seedling and then a sapling and eventually an oak. Most things don’t raise up like Lazarus all in one go."

                   --from the title story, "Fierce Like an Oak Tree"

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“They are the remnant and they now remember easier than they know. They remember and their stories are more real to them than their today. They remember the Fletcher boys and the Paul boys, and the Beebes, the Martins, speaking of them in wistful tones, reliving youthful friendships that still eddy through their hearts, the current alive and flowing.”

                                                              --from “The Shivaree”