About Me

I am a former English professor who's had a successful corporate career working with words. As a creative writer, my focus has primarily been the American South. Growing up in rural, central Louisiana has provided a wellspring of story ideas. I wish I could pursue them all. I love to study the unique sayings, rituals, religious pulls, family expectations, and ties to place that affect people more heavily in the deep South. Most importantly, in every story, I love to watch for the moment of grace that is offered to someone, usually at great cost, after a colossal failure. Redemption always comes through suffering. If you grew up in the South, then, surely you know what I mean.

In recent years, I battled breast cancer and somehow found myself irrevocably changed for the better (though the full head of silver hair that followed still gives me pause). Now past my treatments, I hope to catch fire and finish writing projects that were begun years ago.  

Externally, I'm typically very stoic, a "still waters run deep" kind of person, but on the inside I'm a bulldog. I've never lacked the courage to step out and do a new thing. Thoughts on my writing are always welcome. You can contact me via the links below.